Curriculum Vitae
1983 Born Albuquerque, New Mexico US
Currently lives and works in Albuquerque, New Mexico
2023 Vicente Telles: Cobijas de Mis Madres, Hecho Gallery, Santa Fe New Mexico
2020 Convergence: Of Time and Place, Hecho a Mano Gallery, Santa Fe New Mexico
2010 Vicente Telles: Contemporary and Traditional Santero Works, University of New Mexico Valencia Campus,
Los Lunas New Mexico
2024 Santos y Simbolismo, Breck Create, Breckenridge Colorado
Arte Latino: Showcasing the Work of 15 Exceptional Chicano Artists, La Jolla Riford Library, La Jolla California
Con Ganas: Art of Resolve and Resilience, 400h Gallery, Fort Worth Texas
Rendered Presence: Artistas de Nuevo Mexico, National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque New Mexico
De La Tierra, History Colorado, Denver Colorado
Hunter: Selections from the Personal Collection of Tony Abeyta, ICA Santa Fe, Santa Fe New Mexico
Interpretive Reflections, Gallery One, Albuquerque New Mexico
The Ugly History of Beautiful Things, Nuevo Mexicano Heritage Arts Museum, Santa Fe New Mexico
El Dorado: Myths of Gold, Americas Society, New York New York
2023 Son de Alla y Son de Aca, Chicano Park Museum and Cultural Center, San Diego California
To Be Determined: The Collaborative Art of Jason Garcia/ Okuu Pin y Vicente Telles, Museum of Spanish Colonial Art,
Santa Fe New Mexico
Hecho en Nuevo Mexico, National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque New Mexico
Vicente Telles & Brandon Maldonado: Cuentos Nuevomexicanos, Museum of Contemporary Art, St. Louis Missouri
2022 Handmade: Continuities in Traditional and Contemporary Art, Arizona State University, Phoenix Arizona
Son de Alla y Son de Aca, Multi-Site, Albuquerque New Mexico
Crossing Borders: Tres del Oeste, Presa House Gallery, San Antonio Texas
Traitor, Survivor, Icon: The Legacy of La Malinche, Denver Art Museum, Denver Colorado-
Albuquerque Museum, Albuquerque New Mexico-San Antonio Museum of Art San Antonio Texas
2021 A Duet: Jason Garcia and Vicente Telles, Gallery Hozho, Albuquerque New Mexico
Go West Said a Small Voice: Gustave Baumann and Dreams of New Mexico, New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe New Mexico
Catholic Arts Biennial, Verostko Center for the Arts Saint Vincent’s College, Latrobe Pennsylvania
A Sense of Home, Gallery Hozho, Albuquerque New Mexico
2020 Guerra y Tierra, Pop Gallery, Santa Fe New Mexico
Free Them All: Billboard, Fronteristxs, Chaparral New Mexico
2019 Latinx Art Beyond the Border / Sin Fronteras Exhibition, San Joaquin Delta College, Stockton California
Southwest of Eden: The Art of Adam and Eve, National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque New Mexico
Without Borders: Arte Sin Frontera, History Colorado Center, Denver Colorado
Ayer, Hoy y Manana, The Los Lunas Museum of Heritage and Arts, Los Lunas New Mexico
Mezcla: Stirring It Up, La Bodega Gallery, San Diego California
2018 Art Without Borders, Sin Fronteras, El Pueblo History Museum, Pueblo Colorado
Sergott Contemporary Art Alliance, Sergott Gallery, Rancho Santa Fe California
Traditional Spanish Market, Santa Fe New Mexico
GenNext: Future So Bright, Museum of Spanish Colonial Art, Santa Fe New Mexico
2017 Traditional Spanish Market, Santa Fe New Mexico
Transnational Struggles: Intersectionalities Across Borders, San Diego City College, San Diego California
Latin American Art Festival, San Diego California
2016 Heard Museum de Las Artes, Heard Museum, Phoenix Arizona
Latin American Art Festival, San Diego California
Sacred Heart Santero Market, Gallup New Mexico
Border X Group Show, San Diego California
2015 La Bodega Art Gallery Group Show, San Diego California
Chicano Art Gallery Group Show, San Diego California
Slices of Wonder, Axle Contemporary, Santa Fe New Mexico
2013 En La Cocina With San Pascual, National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque New Mexico
Voz Alta Gallery Group Show, San Diego California
2012 Thinking New Mexico 1912-2012: A Survey of New Mexican Art Celebrating the Statehood Centennial,
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces New Mexico
2022 First Place Large Retablo, Traditional Spanish Market, Santa Fe New Mexico
Curators Choice, Traditional Spanish Market, Santa Fe New Mexico
2021 Honorable Mention, 8th Catholic Arts Biennial, St. Vincent’s College, Latrobe Pennsylvania
2018 First Place, Rafael Aragon Award Retablos Painted in the 19th c. New Mexico, Traditional Spanish Market, Santa Fe New Mexico
Honorable Mention (Small Retablos), Traditional Spanish Market, Santa Fe New Mexico
Second Place (Retablos), Expo New Mexico, Albuquerque New Mexico
2016 Second Place (Retablos), Expo New Mexico, Albuquerque New Mexico
Third Place, Sacred Heart Hispanic Market, Gallup New Mexico
2013 Third Place, Heart of Lucha, San Diego New Mexico
Third Place, La Fiesta de Colores, Grants New Mexico
2012 Second Place, La Fiesta de Colores, Grants New Mexico
2011 First Place(Retablos), New Mexico State Fair, Albuquerque New Mexico
2010 Best of Show, La Fiesta de Colores, Grants New Mexico
People’s Choice, San Felipe de Neri Santero Market, Albuquerque New Mexico
2009 Best of Depiction, San Felipe de Neri Santero Market, Albuquerque New Mexico
Second Place(Retablos), New Mexico State Fair, Albuquerque New Mexico
2008 People’s Choice, San Felipe de Neri Santero Market, Albuquerque New Mexico
2007 First Place, San Felipe de Neri Santero Market, Albuquerque New Mexico
National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque New Mexico
Albuquerque Museum, Albuquerque New Mexico
Denver Art Museum, Denver Colorado
Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, St. Louis Missouri
AltaMed Foundation, Los Angeles California
Holy Family Catholic Church, Albuquerque New Mexico
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, Dallas Texas
St. Joseph Catholic Church, Salt Lake City Utah
2024 Vicente Telles. “Cultural Iconographer: Hijo del Provencia Nuevo Mejico” , Aztlan: A Journal of Chicano Studies, Volume 49, Number 2, Fall 2024
Adrian Gomez. “Sparking Inspiration: ‘Rendered Presence’ Explores Artworks by Artists Living, Working Throughout NM”,
Albuquerque Journal, September
Aime Iglesias Lukin, Tie Jojima, Edward J. Sullivan. “El Dorado: Myths of Gold”, Americas Society
2023 Staff. ”New Works from Living Local Artists at Albuquerque Museum” City of Albuquerque, January
2022 Kathaleen Roberts. “Dynamic Duo: Native, Hispanic artists combine forces to tell the shared story of New Mexico”,
Albuquerque Journal, January
Edited by Victoria I. Lyall and Terezita Romo. “Traitor, Survivor, Icon: The Legacy of La Malinche”,
Denver Art Museum in association with Yale Press, New Haven and London
Ricardo Romo. “Latino Artists: Islas, Telles and Maldonado at The Presa House Gallery” La Prensa Texas, April
Germaine Gomez Haro. “Somos Malinche: sobreviviente e icono” La Jornada Seminal, May
Ruben Cordova. “Crossing Borders; The Work of Ricardo Islas, Brandon Maldonado, and Vicente Telles” Glasstire, June
Kathaleen Roberts. “Santero Vicente Telles Will Be Showcasing His Work at The 70th Annual Spanish Market”
Albuquerque Journal, July
Bethany Tabor. “Multi-Site Albuquerque Exhibition Reinvigorates Southwestern Cultural Exchange” Southwest Contemporary, July
Alex De Vore. “3 Questions with Artist/Curator Vicente Telles” Santa Fe Reporter, August
Michael Abatemarco. “Vecinos: Vicente Telles on ‘Son de Aqui, Son de Alla” Santa Fe New Mexican-Pasatiempo, September
Samantha Anne Carrillo. “Multi-Site Exhibition Resists Isolation Among Southwestern Artists”, Hyperallergic, September
Ricardo Romo. “La Malinche Exhibit Challenges Historical Interpretations” Latinos in America, October
Staff. “Traitor, Survivor, Icon: The Legacy of La Malinche” Art Now-San Antonio Museum of Art, Fall
2021 Rosemary Diaz. “New Mexico’s Modern Saint-Makers”, Craftsmanship Quarterly Magazine (online), April
Staff. “The Beauty Way: Artistic spirits surround us- and delight us”, Enchantment: A Pursuit of Dreams in
New Mexico Magazine, August
Molly Boyle. “West Blend”, New Mexico Magazine, September/October
2020 Adrian Gomez. “Interpreting the past: New Mexico artists explore identity in ‘Tierra y Guerra’”,
Albuquerque Journal, July
Alex De Vore. “Collaborative Identification”, Santa Fe Reporter, July
Staff. “Convergence: of Time and Place” Arte Por Excelencias, August
Michael Abatemarco. “Vicente Telles at Hecho a Mano”, Santa Fe New Mexican, September
2019 Michael Abatemarco. “Check Them Out: "GenNext: Future So Bright Reboot”, Pasatiempo, January
Staff. “National Hispanic Art Cultural Center Art Museum Grows Permanent Collection by 258 Artworks in
2019”, New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs (online), January
Alisa Valdes. “The Secret Painter”, Weekly Alibi, February
Kate Nelson. “Vicente Telles: A Modern Santero”, New Mexico Magazine, July
Staff. “Delta Art Exhibit Focuses on Humanitarian Crisis”, Escalon Times, October
2018 Staff. “GenNext: Future So Bright”, Texas Monthly, April
Staff. “An Ode To Culture”, Southwest The Magazine, May
2017 SDCNEWS. “Art exhibition explores race, gender, sexuality and class along transnational borders”,
San Diego County News (online), January
Adrian Gomez. “Santa Fe’s Traditional Market features more than 250 artists”, Albuquerque Journal, July
2016 Border X. “2nd table art unveiling: VICENTE TELLES” DoSD (online), February
Victoria Emily Jones. “Religious art highlights from New Mexico”, Art and Theology (online), October
2015 Jerry Wellman. “Slices of wonder”, Santa Fe Art Studio (online), August
2014 Matthew Gill (Compiler) Oratory: Place of Prayer, Cover and insert art
2013 John Annerino (Compiler), Saints, Santos, Shrines, Gibbs Smith, 2013, p.94
2023 “Aficionados Speaker Series, Artist Talk with Vicente Telles”, sponsored by The Hulbert Center for Southwest Studies,
Colorado College, Colorado Springs Colorado, October 11
2021 “Go West Said a Small Voice: Gustave Baumann and Dreams of New Mexico”, panelist, sponsored by
The New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe New Mexico, August 25.
2020 “Artist Talk with Vicente Telles and Jason Garcia”, panelist, sponsored by Hecho a Mano Gallery, Santa Fe
New Mexico, September 17.
2019 “NMDOT CN A301900- I-25/Montgomery Interchange Project Aesthetic Treatment” ,selection committee,
sponsored by NMDOT Albuquerque New Mexico
2018 “Fireside 2: American Indian Art and Artists – Reconciling Old and New”, panelist, Jan Term Fireside Chat
series, sponsored by Ghost Ranch Abiquiu, NM January 10.
“Tradition Of Change”, panelist, sponsored by Spanish Colonial Arts Society, Santa Fe, NM July 25.
2011 “This Place Where I Am From: 3 Emerging New Mexico Artists”, presenter/panelist, sponsored by
The National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque, NM August 11.
2010 “El Arte de Nuevo Mexico: Sus Voces Artisticas”, presenter/panelist, 13th Annual Spanish Graduate
Conference Arizona State University, sponsored by Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ March 5.